Sea breeze billowing, into the distant horizon captures a stunning fleet of super yachts decorating the seascape

The entire fleet forms the Rendezvous of Super Yachts cruising along the west coast to The Surin Phuket.

Richard Pope of Kata Rocks Phuket, Thailand, hosted the most talked about 3 day event in December 2016. This Superyacht Rendezvous designed for owners to meet in the privacy of an exclusive resort. Glamorous cocktails, dinner parties, with hand-selected guests intermingled with wealth, style and status.

Thailand’s opera superstars Fivera, performed classical arias while world Flyboard Champion showed the thrilling watersport complimented the evening. Art Auction, Gin sipping and Yacht hopping with private Champagne brunch culminated the event with an evening of Executive Chef Laia Pons creations, the sounds of renowned cross-over band VieTrio. Guests swayed to another live band ending the event way into the early hours of the morning.


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Published 1st March 2017